449 ICLCore_API void cc(
const ImgBase *src, ImgBase *dst,
bool roiOnly=
ICLCore_API void convertYUV420ToRGB8(const unsigned char *pucSrc, const utils::Size &s, Img8u *poDst)
Convert an image in YUV420-format to RGB8 format (ippi accelerated)
ICLCore_API std::string translateCCImpl(ccimpl i)
translates a ccimpl enum into a string representation
undocument this line if you encounter any issues!
Definition: Any.h:37
ICLCore_API void cc_util_rgb_to_chroma(const icl32f r, const icl32f g, const icl32f b, icl32f &chromaR, icl32f &chromaG)
converts given (r,g,b) pixel into the RG-chroma format
ICLCore_API void createLUT(format srcFmt, format dstFmt)
Internally creates a lookup table to accelerate conversion between given formats.
ICLCore_API void cc_util_yuv_to_rgb(const icl32s y, const icl32s u, const icl32s v, icl32s &r, icl32s &g, icl32s &b)
converts given (y,u,v) pixel into the rgb format
Definition: CCFunctions.h:476
ICLCore_API void releaseLUT(format srcFmt, format dstFmt)
releases the internal lookup table created with createLUT
ICLCore_API void cc(const ImgBase *src, ImgBase *dst, bool roiOnly=false)
Color conversion from source to destination image.
ICLCore_API void releaseAllLUTs()
releases all lookup tables that were created with createLUT
ICLCore_API void cc_util_rgb_to_hls(const icl32f r255, const icl32f g255, const icl32f b255, icl32f &h, icl32f &l, icl32f &s)
converts given (r,g,b) pixel into the hls format
Definition: CCFunctions.h:479
ICLCore_API ccimpl translateCCImlp(const std::string &s)
translates the string represenation of a
determines the color-format, that is associated with the images channels
Definition: Types.h:70
Ipp32s icl32s
32bit signed integer type for the ICL
Definition: BasicTypes.h:58
ICLCore_API void cc_util_hls_to_rgb(const icl32f h255, const icl32f l255, const icl32f sl255, icl32f &r, icl32f &g, icl32f &b)
converts given (h,l,s) pixel into the rgb format
Ipp32f icl32f
32Bit floating point type for the ICL
Definition: BasicTypes.h:55
ICLCore_API ccimpl cc_available(format srcFmt, format dstFmt)
returns the ccimpl state to a conversion from srcFmt to dstFmt
Img< icl8u > Img8u
typedef for 8bit integer images
Definition: Types.h:42
Size class of the ICL.
Definition: Size.h:61
Definition: CCFunctions.h:475
Definition: CCFunctions.h:477
ICLCore_API bool lut_available(format srcFmt, format dstFmt)
returns whether a lookup table was already created for src and dst format
void cc_util_rgb_to_lab(const icl32f &r, const icl32f &g, const icl32f &b, icl32f &L, icl32f &A, icl32f &B)
converts given (r,g,b) pixel into the Lab format
Definition: CCFunctions.h:478
ICLCore_API void planarToInterleaved(const Img< S > *src, D *dst, int dstLineStep=-1)
Convert an 4 channel Img8u into Qts ARGB32 interleaved format.
ICLCore_API void interleavedToPlanar(const S *src, Img< D > *dst, int srcLineStep=-1)
Converts interleaved image data into planar representation.
ICLCore_API void cc_util_rgb_to_yuv(const icl32s r, const icl32s g, const icl32s b, icl32s &y, icl32s &u, icl32s &v)
converts given (r,g,b) pixel into the yuv format
Internal used type, that describes an implementation type of a specific color conversion function.
Definition: CCFunctions.h:474
#define ICLCore_API
Definition: CompatMacros.h:174