Image Component Library (ICL)
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OpenSurfLib.h File Reference
#include <vector>
#include <ICLCore/OpenCV.h>
#include <ICLCV/SurfFeature.h>

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class  icl::cv::opensurf::Kmeans
 Kmeans clustering. More...
class  icl::cv::opensurf::ResponseLayer
 Response Layer class. More...
class  icl::cv::opensurf::Surf
 Surf Feation class. More...


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typedef SurfFeature icl::cv::opensurf::Ipoint
typedef std::vector< SurfFeature > icl::cv::opensurf::IpVec
typedef std::vector< SurfMatch > icl::cv::opensurf::IpPairVec


ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::getMatches (IpVec &ipts1, IpVec &ipts2, IpPairVec &matches)
ICLCV_API int icl::cv::opensurf::translateCorners (IpPairVec &matches, const CvPoint src_corners[4], CvPoint dst_corners[4])
ICLCV_API IplImage * icl::cv::opensurf::Integral (IplImage *img)
 Computes the integral image of image img. Assumes source image to be a. More...
ICLCV_API float icl::cv::opensurf::BoxIntegral (IplImage *img, int row, int col, int rows, int cols)
 Computes the sum of pixels within the rectangle. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::surfDetDes (IplImage *img, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts, bool upright=false, int octaves=OCTAVES, int intervals=INTERVALS, int init_sample=INIT_SAMPLE, float thres=THRES)
 Library function builds vector of described interest points. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::surfDet (IplImage *img, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts, int octaves=OCTAVES, int intervals=INTERVALS, int init_sample=INIT_SAMPLE, float thres=THRES)
 Library function builds vector of interest points. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::surfDes (IplImage *img, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts, bool upright=false)
 Library function describes interest points in vector. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::error (const char *msg)
 Display error message and terminate program. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::showImage (const IplImage *img)
 Show the provided image and wait for keypress. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::showImage (char *title, const IplImage *img)
 Show the provided image in titled window and wait for keypress. More...
ICLCV_API IplImage * icl::cv::opensurf::getGray (const IplImage *img)
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::drawIpoint (IplImage *img, Ipoint &ipt, int tailSize=0)
 Draw a single feature on the image. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::drawIpoints (IplImage *img, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts, int tailSize=0)
 Draw all the Ipoints in the provided vector. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::drawWindows (IplImage *img, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts)
 Draw descriptor windows around Ipoints in the provided vector. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::drawFPS (IplImage *img)
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::drawPoint (IplImage *img, Ipoint &ipt)
 Draw a Point at feature location. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::drawPoints (IplImage *img, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts)
 Draw a Point at all features. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::saveSurf (char *filename, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts)
 Save the SURF features to file. More...
ICLCV_API void icl::cv::opensurf::loadSurf (char *filename, std::vector< Ipoint > &ipts)
 Load the SURF features from file. More...
int icl::cv::opensurf::fRound (float flt)
 Round float to nearest integer. More...


static const int icl::cv::opensurf::OCTAVES = 5
static const int icl::cv::opensurf::INTERVALS = 4
static const float icl::cv::opensurf::THRES = 0.0004f
static const int icl::cv::opensurf::INIT_SAMPLE = 2