typedef pugi::xml_node_type | icl::utils::XMLNodeType |
| Node type. More...
typedef pugi::xml_encoding | icl::utils::XMLEncoding |
| XML encoding type. More...
typedef pugi::xml_writer | icl::utils::XMLWriter |
| XML writer interface. More...
typedef pugi::xml_writer_stream | icl::utils::XMLStreamWriter |
| XML writer implementation for streams. More...
typedef pugi::xml_writer_file | icl::utils::XMLFileWriter |
| XML writer implementation for files. More...
typedef pugi::xml_attribute | icl::utils::XMLAttribute |
| XML Attribute class. More...
typedef pugi::xml_node | icl::utils::XMLNode |
| XML Node class. More...
typedef pugi::xml_node_iterator | icl::utils::XMLNodeIterator |
| Iterator for XMLNodes. More...
typedef pugi::xml_attribute_iterator | icl::utils::XMLAttributeIterator |
| Iterator for XMLAttributes. More...
typedef pugi::xml_tree_walker | icl::utils::XMLTreeWalker |
| XML-Treewalker class. More...
typedef pugi::xml_parse_status | icl::utils::XMLParseStatus |
| Parsing status enumeration. More...
typedef pugi::xml_parse_result | icl::utils::XMLParseResult |
| Parsing status class. More...
typedef pugi::xml_document | icl::utils::XMLDocument |
| Main XML Document class. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_value_type | icl::utils::XPathValueType |
| Type enumeration for xpath values. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_parse_result | icl::utils::XPathParseResult |
| Parse Result class for XPath expressions. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_variable | icl::utils::XPathVariable |
| Variable Type for XPath expressions. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_variable_set | icl::utils::XPathVariableSet |
| Set of XPathVariables. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_query | icl::utils::XPathQuery |
| Precompiled XPath expression. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_exception | icl::utils::XPathException |
| Exception type for xpath expressions. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_node | icl::utils::XPathNode |
| Special node type for XPath query results. More...
typedef pugi::xpath_node_set | icl::utils::XPathNodeSet |
| Set of XPath nodes. More...