![]() |
Image Component Library (ICL)
This is the complete list of members for icl::qt::PlotWidget, including all inherited members.
AbstractPlotWidget(QWidget *parent=0) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
adaptProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &newType, const std::string &newInfo, const std::string &newToolTip) | icl::utils::Configurable | virtual |
addAnnotations(const char type, const float *data, int num=1, const QPen &linePen=QColor(255, 0, 0), const QBrush &brush=Qt::NoBrush, const std::string &text="", const std::string &textDelim=",") | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
addBarPlotData(const float *data, int len, const AbstractPlotWidget::PenPtr &style=new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(255, 0, 0)), const std::string &name="", int stride=1, bool deepCopy=true, bool passOwnerShip=false) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
addChildConfigurable(Configurable *configurable, const std::string &childPrefix="") | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
addProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &info, const Any &value=Any(), const int volatileness=0, const std::string &tooltip=std::string()) | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
addScatterData(char symbol, const float *xs, const float *ys, int num, const std::string &name="", int r=255, int g=0, int b=0, int size=5, bool connectingLine=false, int xStride=1, int yStride=1, bool filled=false, bool deepCopyData=true, bool passDataOwnerShip=false) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
addSeriesData(const float *data, int len, const AbstractPlotWidget::PenPtr &style=new AbstractPlotWidget::Pen(QColor(255, 0, 0)), const std::string &name="", int stride=1, bool deepCopy=true, bool passOwnerShip=false) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
AXIS_NAME_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
bars(const T *data, int num, int stride=1) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
bars(const std::vector< T > &data) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
bgFunction typedef | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
brush(const QBrush &brush) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
call_callbacks(const std::string &propertyName, const Configurable *caller) const | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
Callback typedef | icl::utils::Configurable | |
callbacks | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
circle(const utils::Point32f &c, float r) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
circle(float cx, float cy, float r) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
clear() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | virtual |
clearAnnotations() | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
clearBarPlotData() | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
clearScatterData() | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
clearSeriesData() | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
color(int r, int g, int b, int a=255) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
color(const VectorType &c) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
Configurable(const std::string &ID="", bool ordered=true) | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
Configurable(const Configurable &other) | icl::utils::Configurable | |
create_configurable(const std::string &classname) | icl::utils::Configurable | static |
create_default_ID(const std::string &prefix) | icl::utils::Configurable | static |
deactivateProperty(const std::string &pattern) | icl::utils::Configurable | |
deleteDeactivationPattern(const std::string &pattern) | icl::utils::Configurable | |
draw(const utils::VisualizationDescription &d) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
draw_symbol(QPainter &p, int size, float x, float y) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | inlineprotectedstatic |
drawBarPlotData(QPainter &p, const DrawState &state) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
drawData(QPainter &p) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
drawDefaultLedgend(QPainter &p, const utils::Rect &where, bool horizontal, const std::vector< std::string > &rowNames, const std::vector< PenPtr > &pens) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
drawLegend(QPainter &p, const utils::Rect &where, bool horizontal) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
drawScatterData(QPainter &p, const DrawState &state) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
drawSeriesData(QPainter &p, const DrawState &state) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
drawToWin(const utils::Point32f &p) const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
drawToWinX(float drawX) const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
drawToWinY(float drawY) const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
EMPTY_VEC | icl::utils::Configurable | static |
enterEvent(QEvent *event) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
estimateDataXRange() const | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
estimateDataYRange() const | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
event(QEvent *event) | icl::qt::ThreadedUpdatableWidget | inlinevirtual |
fill(int r, int g, int b, int a=255) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
fill(const VectorType &c) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
get(const std::string &id) | icl::utils::Configurable | static |
get_registered_configurables() | icl::utils::Configurable | static |
getConfigurableID() const | icl::utils::Configurable | inline |
getDataViewPort() const | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | virtual |
getDynamicDataViewPort() const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
getPropertyInfo(const std::string &propertyName) const | icl::utils::Configurable | inlinevirtual |
getPropertyList() const | icl::utils::Configurable | virtual |
getPropertyListWithoutDeactivated() const | icl::utils::Configurable | |
getPropertyToolTip(const std::string &propertyName) const | icl::utils::Configurable | inlinevirtual |
getPropertyType(const std::string &propertyName) const | icl::utils::Configurable | inlinevirtual |
getPropertyValue(const std::string &propertyName) const | icl::utils::Configurable | virtual |
getPropertyVolatileness(const std::string &propertyName) const | icl::utils::Configurable | inlinevirtual |
grid(int nX, int nY, const float *xs, const float *ys, int stride=1) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
grid(const utils::Array2D< utils::Point > &data) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
grid(const utils::Array2D< utils::Point32f > &data) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
grid(int nX, int nY, const float *xys) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
grid(int nX, int nY, const utils::Point *ps) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
grid(int nX, int nY, const utils::Point32f *ps) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector< utils::Point32f > &ps) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector< utils::Point > &ps) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector< float > &xys) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
grid(int nX, int nY, const std::vector< float > &xs, const std::vector< float > &ys) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
install(MouseHandler *h) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
isOrderedFlagSet() const | icl::utils::Configurable | inline |
isZoomed() const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | virtual |
label(const std::string &primitiveLabel) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
leaveEvent(QEvent *event) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
line(const utils::Point32f &a, const utils::Point32f &b) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
linestrip(const std::vector< utils::Point32f > &ps, bool closedLoop=true) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
linestrip(const std::vector< utils::Point > &ps, bool closedLoop=true) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
linestrip(const utils::Point32f *ps, int num, bool closedLoop=true) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
linestrip(const utils::Point *ps, int num, bool closedLoop=true) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
linestrip(const float *xs, const float *ys, int num, bool closedLoop=true, int stride=1) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
linewidth(float width) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
loadProperties(const std::string &filename, const std::vector< std::string > &propertiesToSkip=EMPTY_VEC) | icl::utils::Configurable | virtual |
lock() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget::lock() const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
LowLevelPlotWidget(QWidget *parent=0) | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
m_data | icl::qt::PlotWidget | private |
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protectedvirtual |
nocolor() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
nofill() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
nolabel() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
nosym() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
NUM_PEN_TYPES enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
operator=(const Configurable &other) | icl::utils::Configurable | |
paintEvent(QPaintEvent *evt) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | virtual |
pen(const QPen &pen) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
PenPtr typedef | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
PenType enum name | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
PlotWidget(QWidget *parent=0) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
prop(const std::string &propertyName) | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
prop(const std::string &propertyName) const | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
rect(const utils::Point32f &ul, const utils::Point32f &lr) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
rect(const utils::Rect &r) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
rect(const utils::Rect32f &r) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
rect(float x, float y, float w, float h) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
register_configurable_type(const std::string &classname, Function< Configurable * > creator) | icl::utils::Configurable | static |
registerCallback(const Callback &cb) | icl::utils::Configurable | inline |
removeBackgroundFunction() | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
removeChildConfigurable(Configurable *configurable) | icl::utils::Configurable | protected |
removedCallback(const Callback &cb) | icl::utils::Configurable | |
render() | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | inline |
renderTo(QPainter &p) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
reset() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
saveProperties(const std::string &filename, const std::vector< std::string > &propertiesToSkip=EMPTY_VEC) const | icl::utils::Configurable | virtual |
scatter(const T *xs, const T *ys, int num, int xStride=1, int yStride=1, bool connect=false) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
scatter(const std::vector< utils::Point32f > &ps, bool connect=false) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
scatter(const std::vector< utils::Point > &ps, bool connect=false) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
scatter(const math::FixedMatrix< T, 1, 2 > *ps, int num, bool connect=false) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
scatter(const math::FixedMatrix< T, 2, 1 > *ps, int num, bool connect=false) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
scatter(const std::vector< math::FixedColVector< float, 2 > > &ps, bool connect=false) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
series(const T *data, int num, int stride=1) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
series(const std::vector< T > &data) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
setBackground(const QBrush &bgBrush) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
setBackgroundFunction(bgFunction f) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
setConfigurableID(const std::string &ID) | icl::utils::Configurable | |
setDataViewPort(const utils::Rect32f &viewPort) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
setDataViewPort(const utils::Range32f &xrange, const utils::Range32f &yrange) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
setPen(PenType p, const QPen &pen) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
setPropertyValue(const std::string &propertyName, const Any &value) | icl::utils::Configurable | virtual |
supportsProperty(const std::string &propertyName) const | icl::utils::Configurable | virtual |
sym(char s) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
sym(char s, int symsize) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
symsize(float size) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
syncChangesTo(Configurable *others, int num=1) | icl::utils::Configurable | |
text(float x, float y, const std::string &text) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
text(const utils::Point32f &p, const std::string &text) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | |
ThreadedUpdatableWidget(QWidget *parent=0) | icl::qt::ThreadedUpdatableWidget | inline |
title(const std::string &title) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
uninstall(MouseHandler *h) | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
unlock() | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget::unlock() const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
updateBackgroundFunction() | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
updateFromOtherThread() | icl::qt::ThreadedUpdatableWidget | inline |
winToDraw(const utils::Point &p) const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
winToDrawX(int winX) const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
winToDrawY(int winY) const | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | protected |
X_AXIS_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
X_GRID_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
X_LABEL_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
X_TIC_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
xlabel(const std::string &xlabel) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
Y_AXIS_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
Y_GRID_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
Y_LABEL_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
Y_TIC_PEN enum value | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
ylabel(const std::string &ylabel) | icl::qt::PlotWidget | inline |
~AbstractPlotWidget() | icl::qt::AbstractPlotWidget | |
~Configurable() | icl::utils::Configurable | inlinevirtual |
~LowLevelPlotWidget() | icl::qt::LowLevelPlotWidget | |
~PlotWidget() | icl::qt::PlotWidget |