| ChromaGUI (QWidget *parent=0) |
| Create a new ChromaGUI with given parent widget. More...
core::ChromaClassifier | getChromaClassifier () |
| retuns a ChomaClassifier with current parameters More...
core::ChromaAndRGBClassifier | getChromaAndRGBClassifier () |
| retuns a CombiClassifier with current parameters More...
| GUI (QWidget *parent=0) |
| Default constructor, creates a vbox GUI Component. More...
| GUI (const GUIComponent &component, QWidget *parent=0) |
| creates a GUI from a givne GUIComponent More...
| GUI (const GUI &gui, QWidget *parent=0) |
| copy constructor More...
GUI & | operator= (const GUI &other) |
| gui-copy operator More...
virtual | ~GUI () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual GUI & | operator<< (const GUIComponent &component) |
| adds a new GUI component More...
virtual GUI & | operator<< (const GUI &g) |
| stream operator to add new other GUIs More...
template<class T > |
T & | allocValue (const std::string &id, const T &val=T()) |
| wraps the data-stores allocValue function More...
template<class T > |
void | release (const std::string &id) |
| wraps the datastores release function More...
template<class T > |
T & | get (const std::string &id, bool typeCheck=true) |
DataStore::Data | operator[] (const std::string &key) |
| returns a Data instance from the datastore More...
template<class T > |
std::vector< T > | collect (const std::vector< std::string > &keys) |
| collects data from different components at once More...
virtual bool | isVisible () const |
| returns whether this gui is actually visible More...
virtual void | create () |
| internally creates everything More...
virtual void | show () |
| internally creates everything (and makes the gui visible) More...
virtual void | hide () |
| make this gui invisible (nothing more) More...
virtual void | switchVisibility () |
| if widget is visible, this hides the widget, otherwise the widget is shown More...
GUIWidget * | getRootWidget () |
| returns the root widget of the gui (only avialable after create() or show()) More...
void | lockData () |
| internally locks the datastore More...
void | unlockData () |
| internally unlocks the data store More...
void | waitForCreation () |
| waits for the gui to be created completely More...
const DataStore & | getDataStore () const |
| returns the GUI internal dataStore More...
void | registerCallback (const Callback &cb, const std::string &handleNamesList, char listDelim=',') |
| registers a callback function on each component More...
void | registerCallback (const ComplexCallback &cb, const std::string &handleNamesList, char listDelim=',') |
| registeres a complex callback at a given GUI component More...
void | removeCallbacks (const std::string &handleNamesList, char listDelim=',') |
| removes all callbacks from components More...
bool | isDummy () const |
| returns whether this GUI is a dummy GUI More...
bool | hasBeenCreated () const |
| returns whether this GUI has been created or not More...
std::string | createXMLDescription () const |
| creates a hierarchical xml-description of the GUI Layout More...
Dedicated GUI component which can be used to adjust segmentation parameters.
The RG-Chromaticity space is a special Color-Space, which can be used for a lighting-independend skin color segmentation. The segmentation is parameterized by two parabolic functions
. The pixel classification rule (is pixels skin-colored or not) can be defindes as follows:
bool is_pixel_skin_colored(int r,int g,int b, Parable p1, Parable p2){
int R = (255*r)/(r+g+b+1);
int G = (255*g)/(r+g+b+1);
return p1(R) > G && p2(R) < G;
The so called "skin-locus" is defined by the two enclosing parables
. A pixel is skin colored if it is between the two parables - or more precisely: if it is on the bottom side of the first and on the top side of the second.
In addition the ChromaGUI class provides a simple RGB thresholded reference color segmenter, which can be combined with the chromaticity-space segmenter, and which can also be adjusted using GUI components.