Image Component Library (ICL)
Here is a list of all modules:
 Linear algebra classes and functions
 Common Data Type Definitions
 General Utility and Support Functions
 Image Classes and Support Functions
 Collection of Unary Operations
 Collection of Binary Operations
 Collection of Affine Image Operations
 Collection of Neighborhood Operations
 Collection of Inplace Operations
 Other Classes
 LibDC1394-2 based IEEE-1394 Camera Grabber and Control API
 Common File-I/O Utility Functions and Classes
 Plugin-based File-Writer and File-Grabber implementation
 List of all provided Grabber implementations
 grabbers for movie file sources
 Video 4 Linux based grabbesr
 Gigabit Ethernet (GIG-E) based grabber
 "Most common classes"
 "GUI Component Handle classes"
 "Uncommon classes (internally used)"