Image Component Library (ICL)
Collection of Unary Operations


class  icl::filter::AffineOp
 Class to apply an arbitrary series of affine transformations . More...
class  icl::filter::BaseAffineOp
 Abtract base class for arbitrary affine operation classes . More...
class  icl::filter::CannyOp
 Class for the canny edge detector. More...
class  icl::filter::ChamferOp
 Chamfering Unit. More...
class  icl::filter::ConvolutionOp
 Class for Image convolutions. More...
class  icl::filter::DynamicConvolutionOp
 Convolution using the ROI of an ICL image as its kernel . More...
class  icl::filter::GaborOp
 Applies Gabor filter operation on images. More...
class  icl::filter::IntegralImgOp
 class for creating integral images More...
class  icl::filter::LocalThresholdOp
 LocalThreshold Filter class. More...
class  icl::filter::LUTOp
 class for applying table lookup transformation to Img8u images More...
class  icl::filter::LUTOp3Channel< T >
 class for applying table look-up transformation to 3-channel integer-valued images More...
class  icl::filter::MedianOp
 Class that provides median filter abilities . More...
class  icl::filter::MirrorOp
 Class to mirror images vertically or horizontally . More...
class  icl::filter::MorphologicalOp
 Class for Morphological operations . More...
class  icl::filter::NeighborhoodOp
 unary operators that work on each pixels neighborhood \ More...
class  icl::filter::RotateOp
 Class to rotate images . More...
class  icl::filter::ScaleOp
 Class to scale images . More...
class  icl::filter::ThresholdOp
 Class for thresholding operations. More...
class  icl::filter::TranslateOp
 Class to translate images . More...
class  icl::filter::UnaryArithmeticalOp
 Class for Arithmetic Functions. More...
class  icl::filter::UnaryCompareOp
 Class for comparing operations. More...
class  icl::filter::UnaryLogicalOp
 Class for bitwise logical operations on pixel values. More...
class  icl::filter::UnaryOp
 Abstract Base class for Unary Operators. More...
class  icl::filter::UnaryOpPipe
 Utility class that helps applying UnaryOps one after another. More...
class  icl::filter::WeightChannelsOp
 Weight pixel values of all image channels. More...
class  icl::filter::WeightedSumOp
 Accumulate weighted pixel values of all image channels. More...
class  icl::filter::WienerOp
 Class for Wiener Filter . More...

Detailed Description