| UnaryOp () |
| Explicit empty constructor. More...
| UnaryOp (const UnaryOp &other) |
| Explicit copy constructor. More...
UnaryOp & | operator= (const UnaryOp &other) |
| Explicit declaration of the assignment operator. More...
virtual | ~UnaryOp () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | apply (const core::ImgBase *operand1, core::ImgBase **dst)=0 |
| pure virtual apply function, that must be implemented in all derived classes More...
virtual ICL_DEPRECATED void | applyMT (const core::ImgBase *operand1, core::ImgBase **dst, unsigned int nThreads) |
| apply function for multithreaded filtering (currently even slower than using one thread) More...
virtual const core::ImgBase * | apply (const core::ImgBase *src) |
| applys the filter usign an internal buffer as output image More...
void | operator() (const core::ImgBase *src, core::ImgBase **dst) |
| function operator (alternative for apply(src,dst) More...
const core::ImgBase * | operator() (const core::ImgBase *src) |
| function operator for the implicit destination apply(src) call More...
const core::ImgBase & | operator() (const core::ImgBase &src) |
| reference based function operator More...
void | setClipToROI (bool bClipToROI) |
| sets if the image should be clip to ROI or not More...
void | setCheckOnly (bool bCheckOnly) |
| sets if the destination image should be adapted to the source, or if it is only checked if it can be adapted. More...
bool | getClipToROI () const |
| returns the ClipToROI status More...
bool | getCheckOnly () const |
| returns the CheckOnly status More...
virtual void | setPropertyValue (const std::string &propertyName, const utils::Any &value) |
| sets value of a property (always call call_callbacks(propertyName) or Configurable::setPropertyValue) More...
virtual | ~Configurable () |
| virtual destructor More...
| Configurable (const Configurable &other) |
| Copy constructor. More...
Configurable & | operator= (const Configurable &other) |
| Assignment operator. More...
void | setConfigurableID (const std::string &ID) |
| sets the ID of this configurable More...
const std::string & | getConfigurableID () const |
| returns the configurables static ID More...
bool | isOrderedFlagSet () const |
| returns whether the ordered flag is set More...
void | deactivateProperty (const std::string &pattern) |
| adds an additional deativation pattern More...
void | deleteDeactivationPattern (const std::string &pattern) |
| removed a formerly added deactivation pattern More...
std::vector< std::string > | getPropertyListWithoutDeactivated () const |
| this returns a filtered list of properties (using all filters added by deactivateProperty) More...
virtual void | adaptProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &newType, const std::string &newInfo, const std::string &newToolTip) |
| this function can be used to adapt a specific property afterwards More...
void | registerCallback (const Callback &cb) |
| add a callback for changed properties More...
void | removedCallback (const Callback &cb) |
| removes a callback that was registered before More...
void | syncChangesTo (Configurable *others, int num=1) |
| this can be used to let this instance also apply property changes to others More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > | getPropertyList () const |
| returns a list of All properties, that can be set using setProperty More...
virtual bool | supportsProperty (const std::string &propertyName) const |
| base implementation for property check (seaches in the property list) More...
virtual void | saveProperties (const std::string &filename, const std::vector< std::string > &propertiesToSkip=EMPTY_VEC) const |
| writes all available properties into a file More...
virtual void | loadProperties (const std::string &filename, const std::vector< std::string > &propertiesToSkip=EMPTY_VEC) |
| reads a camera config file from disc More...
virtual std::string | getPropertyType (const std::string &propertyName) const |
| get type of property More...
virtual std::string | getPropertyInfo (const std::string &propertyName) const |
| get information of a properties valid values More...
virtual Any | getPropertyValue (const std::string &propertyName) const |
| returns the current value of a property or a parameter More...
virtual std::string | getPropertyToolTip (const std::string &propertyName) const |
| returns the tooltip description for a given property More...
virtual int | getPropertyVolatileness (const std::string &propertyName) const |
| Returns whether this property may be changed internally. More...
bool | prepare (core::ImgBase **ppoDst, core::depth eDepth, const utils::Size &imgSize, core::format eFormat, int nChannels, const utils::Rect &roi, utils::Time timestamp=utils::Time::null) |
virtual bool | prepare (core::ImgBase **ppoDst, const core::ImgBase *poSrc) |
| check+adapt destination image to properties of given source image More...
virtual bool | prepare (core::ImgBase **ppoDst, const core::ImgBase *poSrc, core::depth eDepth) |
void | addProperty (const std::string &name, const std::string &type, const std::string &info, const Any &value=Any(), const int volatileness=0, const std::string &tooltip=std::string()) |
| This can be used by derived classes to store supported properties in the internal list. More...
void | addChildConfigurable (Configurable *configurable, const std::string &childPrefix="") |
| This adds another configurable as child. More...
void | removeChildConfigurable (Configurable *configurable) |
| removes the given child configurable More...
Property & | prop (const std::string &propertyName) |
| this CAN be used e.g. to store a property value in internal property-list More...
const Property & | prop (const std::string &propertyName) const |
| this CAN be used e.g. to store a property value in internal property-list More...
| Configurable (const std::string &ID="", bool ordered=true) |
| create this configurable with given ID More...
void | call_callbacks (const std::string &propertyName, const Configurable *caller) const |
| calls all registered callbacks More...
Abstract Base class for Unary Operators.
A list of unary operators can be found here:
Collection of Unary Operations