Image Component Library (ICL)
Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Enumerations | Functions
OpenCV.h File Reference
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
#include <ICLCore/CCFunctions.h>
#include <ICLCore/Img.h>
#include <ICLCore/ImgBase.h>
#include <ICLUtils/Uncopyable.h>

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struct  icl::core::MatWrapper
 Very simply wrapper about the opencv C++ matrix type cv::Mat. More...
struct  icl::core::CvMatDelOp
 Utility Delete Operator used within CvMatWrapper. More...
class  icl::core::CvMatWrapper< T >
 Utility class that wraps around a CvMat of type CV_32FC1. More...


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enum  icl::core::DepthPreference { icl::core::PREFERE_SRC_DEPTH, icl::core::PREFERE_DST_DEPTH }
 Modes that define whether to prefer the source image's or the destination image's depth. More...


ICLCore_API ImgBase * icl::core::ipl_to_img (CvArr *src, ImgBase **dst=0, DepthPreference e=PREFERE_SRC_DEPTH)
 Convert OpenCV IplImage to ICLimage. More...
ICLCore_API IplImage * icl::core::img_to_ipl (const ImgBase *src, IplImage **dst=0, DepthPreference e=PREFERE_SRC_DEPTH)
 Convert ICLimage to OpenCV IplImage. More...
ICLCore_API CvMat * icl::core::img_to_cvmat (const ImgBase *src, CvMat *dst=0, int channel=0)
 Copy single ICLimage channel to OpenCV single channel CvMat. More...
ICLCore_API IplImage * icl::core::img_to_ipl_shallow (ImgBase *src, IplImage *dst=0)
 Convert single channel ICLimage to OpenCV IplImage. More...
ICLCore_API CvMat * icl::core::img_to_cvmat_shallow (const ImgBase *src, CvMat *dst=0)
 Convert single channel ICLimage to OpenCV CvMat. More...
ICLCore_API ::cv::Mat * icl::core::img_to_mat (const ImgBase *src, ::cv::Mat *dst=0)
 converts icl image into opencv's C++ image type cv::Mat (data is deeply copied) More...
ICLCore_API ImgBase * icl::core::mat_to_img (const ::cv::Mat *src, ImgBase *dstIn=0)
 converts cv::Mat to ImgBase (internally the pixel data is type-converted if needed) More...
ICLCore_API void icl::core::mat_to_img (const ::cv::Mat *src, ImgBase **dstIn)
 converts cv::Mat to ImgBase (internally the pixel data is type-converted if needed) More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & icl::core::operator<< (std::ostream &str, const CvMatWrapper< T > &m)
 Overloaded ostream operator for the CvMat32fWrapper. More...

Macro Definition Documentation