Image Component Library (ICL)
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs
SQFitter.h File Reference
#include <ICLUtils/CompatMacros.h>
#include <ICLMath/FixedMatrix.h>
#include <ICLMath/LevenbergMarquardtFitter.h>
#include <ICLGeom/PointCloudObject.h>
#include <vector>

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struct  icl::geom::SQParams
 Utility structure, that represents a superquadric. More...
class  icl::geom::SQFitter
struct  icl::geom::SQFitter::shapeError
 Structure, that contains the error function for the shape parameters. More...
struct  icl::geom::SQFitter::eulerPosError
 Structure, that contains the error function for the euler angles and position parameters. More...


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typedef icl::utils::SmartPtr< SQFitter > icl::geom::SQFitterPtr