▼Nicl | Undocument this line if you encounter any issues! |
►Ncore | |
►CAbstractCanvas | |
CClipRect | |
CState | |
CBayerConverter | Utiltity class for bayer pattern conversion |
CChannel | Utility helper class for faster and more convenient access to single channel image data |
CChromaAndRGBClassifier | Combination classifier using RG-chroma. as well as RGB-thresholded reference color classifiation |
CChromaClassifier | Classifier interface using RG-chromaticity space and two parables |
CConverter | General Image Converter |
CCvMatDelOp | Utility Delete Operator used within CvMatWrapper |
CCvMatWrapper | Utility class that wraps around a CvMat of type CV_32FC1 |
CDataSegment | The DataSegment class defines a strided data segment (or 1D or 2D ordred array of vectors) |
CDataSegment< T, 1 > | Template specialization for data-segments, where each entry is just 1D |
►CDataSegmentBase | Abstract data segment class |
CBytes | Very simple Byte Vector class to provide binary access to DataSegmentBase data |
CFixedConverter | Special converter "producing" images with fixed parameters |
CImageRenderer | |
CImageSerializer | Utility class for binary Image Serialization |
CImg | The Img class implements the ImgBase Image interface with type specific functionalities \ |
CImgBase | ImgBase is the Image-Interface class that provides save access to underlying Img-template \ |
CImgBasePtrPtr | Utility class that helps for an implicit conversion between Img<T>* to ImgBase** |
CImgBorder | Class to setup an images border pixels |
CImgBuffer | Singelton class that provides access to reusable temporary images |
CImgIterator | Iterator class used to iterate through an Images ROI-pixels |
CImgParams | Stores all image parameters \ |
CLine | The ICLs abstract line class describing a line from Point "start" to Point "end" |
CLine32f | The ICLs abstract line class describing a line from Point "start" to Point "end" |
►CLineSampler | Utility class for line sampling |
CResult | Result type providing a Point-pointer and number of sample points |
CMatWrapper | Very simply wrapper about the opencv C++ matrix type cv::Mat |
CParable | Utility class for the parable-based chromaticity segmentation |
CPixelRef | Pixel-Type class for copying image pixles to image pixels |
►CPseudoColorConverter | Utility class for speudocolor conversion |
CStop | This is for creation of color gradients |
►Ncv | |
►Nclsurf | |
CSurf | OpenCL-based Surf Feature detector implmentation (by AMD) |
►Nopensurf | |
CKmeans | Kmeans clustering |
CResponseLayer | Response Layer class |
CSurf | Surf Feation class |
►CCheckerboardDetector | Utility class wrapping OpenCV's cvFindChessboardCorners |
CCheckerboard | Internally used and returned result structure |
CContour | Utility class used by the ContourDetector |
CContourDetector | The ContourDetector extracts all contours of a given image |
CContourImpl | |
►CCornerDetectorCSS | Curvature Corner Detector |
CGaussianKernel | 1 dim gaussian kernel |
CCurvatureExtractor | The RegionCurvature class |
CExtrapolator | Class for linear and quadatic extrapolation |
►CFloodFiller | Utility class for image flood filling |
CDefaultCriterion | Predefined criterion for simple reference-value based filling for 1-channel images |
CReferenceColorCriterion | Predefined criterion for simple reference-value based filling for 3-channel images |
CResult | Result structure, returned by the 'apply' methods |
CHeartrateDetector | Heartrate Detector |
CHoughLine | Line Equation structure |
CHoughLineDetector | |
CHungarianAlgorithm | Implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm to solve Linear Assignment problems |
CImageRegion | ImageRegion Structure providing region feature information |
►CImageRegionData | Utility class for shallow copied data of image region class |
CComplexInformation | Complex information, |
CCSSParams | |
CRegionGraphInfo | Structure for representing region-graph information |
CSimpleInformation | |
CImageRegionPart | The ImageRegionPart represents a intermediate region part for the connected component analysis |
►CLensUndistortionCalibrator | Utility class for estimation of compensation parameters of lens-distortion |
CGridDefinition | Utility data class describing the grid structure that is used |
CInfo | Internally used info structure (also returned by LensUndistortionCalibrator::getInfo) |
CLineSegment | Line segment class (e.g. used for run-length coding) |
CMeanShiftTracker | |
COpenCVCamCalib | Cameracalibration using OpenCV functions |
►CORBFeatureDetector | |
CFeatureSetClass | |
CMatch | |
CPositionTracker | Class for tracking 2D positions |
►CRDPApproximation | Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm |
CChainPoint | |
CRegionDetector | Complex utility class for detection of connected image components |
►CRegionGrower | Class for region growing on images and DataSegments (e.g. poincloud xyzh) |
CEqualThreshold | |
CFloat4EuclideanDistance | |
CRegionGrowerDataAccessor | |
CRegionGrowerDataAccessor< core::DataSegment< float, 4 >, float, 4 > | |
CRegionGrowerDataAccessor< core::Img8u, icl8u, 1 > | |
CRegionGrowerDataAccessor< core::Img8u, icl8u, 3 > | |
CU8EuclideanDistance | |
CRegionPCAInfo | Data-struct to represent local PCA information |
CRunLengthEncoder | Simple class for creation of a run-length encoding of an image |
►CSimpleBlobSearcher | Utility class for region-based colored blob detection |
CBlob | Internal blob-result type |
CSurfFeature | Generic SURF Feature type |
CSurfFeatureDetector | ICL's New Generic Surf Feature detection class |
►CTemplateTracker | Utility class vor viewbased template tracking |
CResult | Result class that describes a tracking result |
CVectorTracker | Extension of the position tracker class for N-dimensional positions |
CViewBasedTemplateMatcher | TemplateMatching class (wrapping UsefulFunctions::matchTemplate) |
CWorkingLineSegment | The working line segment class extends the LineSegment class by some working parameters |
►Nfilter | |
CAffineOp | Class to apply an arbitrary series of affine transformations \ |
CBaseAffineOp | Abtract base class for arbitrary affine operation classes \ |
CBilateralFilterOp | BilateralFilterICL class Gaussian bilateral filtering Implements the gaussian bilateral filtering like described in "A Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter using a Signal Processing Approach" (http://people.csail.mit.edu/sparis/publi/2006/tr/Paris_06_Fast_Bilateral_Filter_MIT_TR_low-res.pdf) on the GPU using OpenCL (no CPU-backend at the moment) |
CBinaryArithmeticalOp | Class for arithmetic operations performed on two images |
CBinaryCompareOp | Class for comparing two images pixel-wise |
CBinaryLogicalOp | Class for logical operations performed on two images. (and, or, xor) |
CBinaryOp | Abstract base class for binary image operations |
CCannyOp | Class for the canny edge detector |
CChamferOp | Chamfering Unit |
CColorDistanceOp | Class for creating a color distance map |
CColorSegmentationOp | Class for fast LUT-based color segmentation |
CConvolutionKernel | Utility struct for managing convolution kernel data |
CConvolutionOp | Class for Image convolutions |
CDitheringOp | Class that implements dithering mechanisms |
CDynamicConvolutionOp | Convolution using the ROI of an ICL image as its kernel \ |
CFFTOp | |
CGaborOp | Applies Gabor filter operation on images |
CGradientImage | Class for calculation of gradient image information |
CIFFTOp | This class implements the unary operator for the inverse fast and discrete 2D fourier transformation |
CImageRectification | The ImageRectification class can be use to rectify an image quadrangle (IPP accellerated) |
CImageSplitter | Utility class to split an images roi into a set of shallow copies |
CInplaceArithmeticalOp | Inplace implementation for arithmetical operations |
CInplaceLogicalOp | Filter class for logical in-place operations |
CInplaceOp | Interface class for inplace operators |
CIntegralImgOp | Class for creating integral images |
CLocalThresholdOp | LocalThreshold Filter class |
CLUT2D | Simple 2D indexed LUT Implementation |
CLUTOp | Class for applying table lookup transformation to Img8u images |
►CLUTOp3Channel | Class for applying table look-up transformation to 3-channel integer-valued images |
CPlugin | Internal plugin class for the LUTOp3Channel |
CMedianOp | Class that provides median filter abilities \ |
CMirrorOp | Class to mirror images vertically or horizontally \ |
CMorphologicalOp | Class for Morphological operations \ |
CMotionSensitiveTemporalSmoothing | |
CNeighborhoodOp | Unary operators that work on each pixels neighborhood \ |
COpROIHandler | Utility base class for Image Operators |
CProximityOp | Class for computing proximity measures |
CRotateOp | Class to rotate images \ |
CScaleOp | Class to scale images \ |
CTemporalSmoothingCL | |
CThresholdOp | Class for thresholding operations |
CTranslateOp | Class to translate images \ |
CUnaryArithmeticalOp | Class for Arithmetic Functions |
CUnaryCompareOp | Class for comparing operations |
CUnaryLogicalOp | Class for bitwise logical operations on pixel values |
CUnaryOp | Abstract Base class for Unary Operators |
CUnaryOpPipe | Utility class that helps applying UnaryOps one after another |
CUnaryOpWork | Internally used Plugin class for multithreaded unary operations |
CWarpOp | Operator that remaps an image with given look-up map |
CWeightChannelsOp | Weight pixel values of all image channels |
CWeightedSumOp | Accumulate weighted pixel values of all image channels |
CWienerOp | Class for Wiener Filter \ |
►Ngeom | |
CAlphaFuncProperty | Extra base class for primitives, that use a special alpha function (in particular textures) |
►CCamera | Camera class |
CNotEnoughDataPointsException | We need at least 6 Data points in general positions |
CRenderParams | |
CComplexCoordinateFrameSceneObject | Special SceneObject implementation that define a visible coordinate frame |
CConfigurableDepthImageSegmenter | |
CCoordinateFrameSceneObject | Special SceneObject implementation that define a visible coordinate frame |
CCoPlanarityFeatureExtractor | Class for coplanarity feature |
►CCoplanarPointPoseEstimator | Utility class that allows for 6D pose estimation from a set of at least 4 coplanar points |
CRANSACSpec | Parameter struct that is used to specify optional RANSAC parameters for the internal pose estimation |
CCurvatureFeatureExtractor | Class for curvature feature (open and occluded objects) |
CCutfreeAdjacencyFeatureExtractor | |
CDepthCameraPointCloudGrabber | PointCloudGrabber implementation for 2D core::depth-image based creation of point clouds |
CEuclideanBlobSegmenter | |
CFeatureGraphSegmenter | |
CGenericPointCloudGrabber | Generic interface for PointCloud sources |
CGenericPointCloudOutput | Generic interface for PointCloud sources |
CGenericTexturePrimitive | Texture Primitive for rendering textures with arbitrary texture coordinates |
CGridSceneObject | SceneObject specialization for grid like objects |
CHit | Utility structure that defines a hit between a ViewRay and SceneObjects |
►CICP | Implementaiton of the Iterator Closest utils::Point (ICP) Algorithm |
CResult | Simple result structure |
►CICP3D | Special ICP-case for homogeneous 3D-vectors |
CResult | The Result struct contains results of an ICP-loop |
►CIterativeClosestPoint | |
CDistanceID | |
CLinePrimitive | Line primitive (the line references 2 vertices) |
CMouseMappingTableEntry | Mouse mapping table entry |
CMouseSensitivities | Mouse sensitivities |
CObjectEdgeDetector | |
►CObjectEdgeDetectorData | |
Cm_kernel | |
Cm_params | |
►COctreeObject | The OctreeObjects provides a visualizable SceneObject interface for the Octree class |
CPointFilter | Internal most common fill-Filter to filter out single points |
CPCDFileGrabber | |
CPCLPointCloudObject | PointCloudObject implementation for the PCLPointCloud types |
►CPlanarRansacEstimator | Class for planar RANSAC estimation on poincloud data (xyzh) |
CResult | |
CPlaneEquation | Utility structure for calculation of view-ray / plane intersections |
CPlot3D | Specialized 3D visualization component intended for 3D-box plots (needs ICLGeom-library to be linked) |
CPlotHandle3D | Handle class for image components |
CPlotWidget3D | |
CPointCloudCreator | Utility class that allows to create 3D (optionally colored) point clouds from given 2D core::depth images |
CPointCloudCreatorCL | |
CPointCloudGrabber | Generic interface for PointCloud sources |
CPointCloudNormalEstimator | |
CPointCloudObject | Base implementation of the SceneObjectBase interface for compability with common icl::SceneObjects |
CPointCloudObjectBase | Base class for point cloud data types |
CPointCloudOutput | Generic interface for PointCloud sources |
►CPointCloudSegment | PointCloudSegment class used to describe data segments in the scene |
►CPointCloudSerializer | Utility class used as intermediate layer for point cloud serialization |
CDefaultDeserializationDevice | |
CDefaultSerializationDevice | Utilitty class used for |
CDeserializationDevice | |
CMandatoryInfo | Mandatory information provided by each point cloud |
CSerializationDevice | |
CPolygonPrimitive | Polygon primitive |
CPoseEstimator | Utility class for 6D PoseEstimation |
►CPosit | Implementation of the posit algorithm for 6D pose detection from a single camera |
CResult | Result type (basically a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix) |
►CPrimitive | Abastract base type for geoemtric primitives |
CRenderContext | Accumulated context information for rendering primitives |
►CPrimitive3DFilter | Class for filtering point clouds according to a set of primitives and a filter configuration |
CColorAction | Color action |
CFilterAction | General filter action |
CFilterConfig | Filter config |
CFilterDepthImgAction | Filterdepthimg action |
CIntensityAction | Intensity action |
CLabelAction | Label action |
CPrimitive3D | Primitive |
CQuaternion | Quaternion describing the orientation of the primitive |
CRemoveAction | Remove action |
CSetposAction | Setpos action |
CProtoBufSerializationDevice | |
CQuadPrimitive | Quad primitive |
►CRansacBasedPoseEstimator | RANSAC-based pose estimation |
CResult | |
CRayCastOctreeObject | Special Octree implemenation that supports to query points close to caste rays |
CRemainingPointsFeatureExtractor | Class for remaining points feature |
CRGBDMapping | Utility class for RGBDMapping |
CRSBPointCloudGrabber | Grabs points clouds from RSB |
CRSBPointCloudSender | RSB-based sendig of point cloud data |
►CScene | Scene Implementation that is used to handle a list of objects and cameras |
CPBufferIndex | |
CSceneLight | Wrapper class for OpenGL lights |
CSceneLightObject | The scene light object looks like a light bulb and represents an OpenGL light |
CSceneMouseHandler | Class providing a mouse handler for class scene |
CSceneObject | Defines visible objects in scenes or scene graph nodes |
CSceneObjectBase | Defines and abstract interface for visible entities in 3D scenes |
CSegmentation3D | |
CSegmenterUtils | Support class for segmentation algorithms |
CShaderUtil | |
CSharedTexturePrimitive | The shared texture primitive references a texture from the parent SceneObject |
CSoftPosit | |
►CSQFitter | |
CeulerPosError | Structure, that contains the error function for the euler angles and position parameters |
CshapeError | Structure, that contains the error function for the shape parameters |
CSQParams | Utility structure, that represents a superquadric |
►CSurfaceFeatureExtractor | Class for extraction of surface features |
CSurfaceFeature | |
CTextPrimitive | Text Texture |
CTextureGridPrimitive | Special texture Primitive for single textures spread over a regular grid of vertices |
CTexturePrimitive | Texture Primitive |
CTrianglePrimitive | Triangle primitive |
CTwoSidedGridPrimitive | Grid primitive that renders a two-sided grid (sides have different colors) |
CTwoSidedTextureGridPrimitive | |
CVec8 | |
CViewRay | This is a view-ray's line equation in parameter form |
►Nio | |
►Ndc | Internal used namespace for libdc1394 dependent help functions and classes |
CDCFrameQueue | Internal used utility class for fast handling of DMA buffers |
CDCGrabberThread | Internally spawned thread class to provide continuous grabbing without drop frames |
►Nicl_openni | |
CDepthGeneratorOptions | This class interprets and sets Properties of OpenNI DepthGenerators |
CImageGeneratorOptions | This class interprets and sets Properties of OpenNI ImageGenerators |
CMapGeneratorOptions | This class interprets and sets Properties of OpenNI MapGenerators |
COpenNIContext | A Context object encapsulating the OpenNI-Context-object |
COpenNIDepthGenerator | Depth Image Generator |
COpenNIIRGenerator | IR Image Generator |
COpenNIMapGenerator | Abstract super-class of all Image generators |
COpenNIRgbGenerator | RGB Image Generator |
CReadWriteBuffer | This is used for concurrent writing and reading of Buffers |
CReadWriteBufferHandler | A BufferHandlers only task is to create T's |
►Npylon | |
CAcquisitionInterruptor | Utility Structure |
CBayerToRgb8Icl | This ColorConverter uses the icl Bayer to Rgb conversion |
CColorConverter | Pure virtual interface for color converters |
CConcGrabberBuffer | This is used for concurrent writing and reading of ConvBuffers |
CConvBuffers | This class holds all buffers needed for ColorConversion |
CGrabbingInterruptor | Utility Structure |
CInterruptable | Utility Structure |
CMono16sToMono16s | This ColorConverter is used for pylon-mono16s to icl-mono16s conversion |
CMono8uToMono8u | This ColorConverter is used for pylon-mono8u to icl-mono8u conversion |
CMonoToMono8u | This ColorConverter is used for other pylon-mono to icl-mono8u conversion |
CPylonAutoEnv | Utility Structure |
CPylonCameraOptions | This is a helper class for Pylon camera settings |
CPylonColorConverter | This is the color-conversion-class for Pylon images |
CPylonColorToRgb | This ColorConverter is used for pylon-bayer/yuv to icl-rgb conversion |
CPylonGrabber | Grabber implementation for a Basler Pylon-based GIG-E Grabber |
CPylonGrabberBuffer | Buffer, registered to the Pylon-drivers StreamGrabber |
CPylonGrabberThread | Internally spawned thread class for continuous grabbing |
CRgb8uToRgb8u | This ColorConverter is used for pylon-rgb to icl-rgb conversion |
CTsBuffer | A buffer holding image information and timestamp |
CYuv422ToRgb8Icl | This ColorConverter uses the icl Yuv422 to Rgb conversion |
CYuv422YUYVToRgb8Icl | This ColorConverter uses the icl Yuv422YUYV to Rgb conversion |
CColorFormatDecoder | The ColorFormatDecoder allows for easy conversion of special color formats to RGB |
CConfigurableRemoteServer | |
CCreateGrabber | Create Grabber class that provides an image from ICL's create function |
►CDCDevice | Device struct, used by the DCGrabber class to identify devices |
CMode | Internally used Mode struct (combination of videomode and framerate) |
CDCDeviceFeatures | Utility class for handling DC-Device features |
CDCDeviceFeaturesImpl | |
CDCDeviceFeaturesImplDelOp | |
CDCDeviceOptions | Utility struct for DC Camera device options |
CDCGrabber | Grabber implementation for handling DC-Devices using libdc1394 (Version >= 2.0.rc9) \ |
CDemoGrabber | Demo Grabber class providing am image with a moving rect |
CFileGrabber | Grabber implementation to grab from files \ |
►CFileGrabberPlugin | Interface for ImageGrabber Plugins for reading different file types |
CHeaderInfo | Internally used collection of image parameters |
CFileGrabberPluginBICL | Plugin to grab binary icl image (.bicl or .bicl.gz) |
CFileGrabberPluginCSV | FileGrabber plugins for writing ".csv" files (Comma-Separated Values) |
CFileGrabberPluginImageMagick | Interface class for reading images using an ImageMagick++ wrapper |
CFileGrabberPluginJPEG | Plugin class to read "jpeg" and "jpg" images |
CFileGrabberPluginPNG | Plugin class to read "png" images |
CFileGrabberPluginPNM | Plugin to grab ".ppm", ".pgm", ".pgm" and ".icl" images |
CFileList | Utility class implementing a list of files |
CFilenameGenerator | Utility class for generating a stream of filenames |
CFileWriter | File Writer implementation writing images to the hard disc |
CFileWriterPlugin | Interface class for writer plugins writing images in different file formats |
CFileWriterPluginBICL | Writer plugin to write binary icl image (extension bicl / bicl.gz) |
CFileWriterPluginCSV | Writer plugins for ".csv"-files (Comma-Separated Values) |
CFileWriterPluginImageMagick | Interface class for writing images using an ImageMagick++ wrapper |
CFileWriterPluginJPEG | A Writer Plugin for writing ".jpeg" and ".jpg" images |
CFileWriterPluginPNG | A Writer Plugin for writing ".png" images |
CFileWriterPluginPNM | Writer plugin to write images as ".ppm", ".pgm", ".pnm" and ".icl" |
CFourCC | Wrapper class for fourcc color codes |
CGenericGrabber | Common interface class for all grabbers |
CGenericImageOutput | Generic Sink for images |
CGrabber | Common interface class for all grabbers |
CGrabberDeviceDescription | Defines and explains an available grabber device |
►CImageCompressor | Encoder class for optimized encoding of images |
CCompressedData | Most simple dyn-size array with given data and length |
CCompressionSpec | Compression specification |
►CHeader | Compressed image header |
CParams | |
CImageOutput | Minimal interface for image output classes |
CImageUndistortion | |
►CIntrinsicCalibrator | |
CCalibrationData | |
CResult | Simple struct for handle result of computation of intrinsics |
CJPEGDecoder | Utility class for decoding JPEG-Data streams (with ICL_HAVE_LIBJPEG only) |
►CJPEGEncoder | Encoding class for data-to-data jpeg compression |
CEncodedData | Encoded data type |
CKinect11BitCompressor | |
CKinect2Grabber | Special Grabber implementation for Microsoft's Kinect2 Device |
CKinectGrabber | Special Grabber implementation for Microsoft's Kinect Device |
CLibAVVideoWriter | |
CMyrmexDecoder | |
COpenCVCamGrabber | Grabber class that uses OpenCV's grabbing function to grab camera images |
COpenCVVideoGrabber | Opencv base grabber implementation for movie files |
COpenCVVideoWriter | |
COpenNIGrabber | Grabber implementation for OpenNI based camera access |
COpenNIGrabberThread | Internally spawned thread class for continuous grabbing. Only one instance needed |
COptrisGrabber | Grabber class that grabs images using the libImager library from Optris |
►CPixelSenseGrabber | PixelSense Grabber class |
CBlob | Blob structure |
CRSBGrabber | Grabber implementation for RSB based image transfer |
CRSBImageOutput | Image output implementation using the "Robotics Service Bus (RSB)" |
CRSBIOUtil | Simple and ready to use RSB-Informer and RSB-Listener Interface |
CRSBIOUtilDataBase | |
CRSBIOUtilDataExtra | Tier 3: branding for using protocol-buffer types by default! |
CRSBListener | |
CRSBSender | |
CSharedMemoryGrabber | Grabber class that grabs images from SharedMemorySegment instances |
CSharedMemoryPublisher | Publisher, that can be used to publish images via SharedMemorySegment |
CSharedMemorySegment | Implementation of a cross-process shared memory |
CSharedMemorySegmentLocker | Easy way to lock a SharedMemorySegment, unlocking at destruction |
CSharedMemorySegmentRegister | This is used to register all created SharedMemorySegments |
CSwissRangerGrabber | Grabber-Implementation for the SwissRanger time-of-flight camera using the libMesaSR library |
CTestImages | Utility class for creating test images |
CV4L2Grabber | The Video for Linux 2 Grabber uses the v4l2-api to access video capturing devices \ |
CV4L2LoopBackOutput | ImageOutput implementation for V4L2-Looback devices |
CVideoGrabber | Xine-based Video Grabber (grabs most common image formats) |
CXiGrabber | Grabber class that grabs images using the XiAPI (extension of the M3API) |
CZmqGrabber | Grabber class that grabs images from ZeroMQ-based network interfaces |
CZmqImageOutput | Image output implementation using the ZeroMQ (ZMQ) framwork |
►Nmarkers | |
►CAdvancedMarkerGridDetector | Extension of the MarkerGridDetector class that provides a more advanced output |
CAdvancedGridDefinition | |
►CMarker | Internal data-class the represents a more sophisticated |
CKeyPoints | Internal key-point structure |
CMarkerGrid | Represents whole grid of markers |
CBCHCoder | Main class for BCH encoding/decoding |
CDecodedBCHCode | BCH decoder result |
CDecodedBCHCode2D | Slightly more comples decoding result that does also contain an rotation value |
►CFiducial | Main class for detected image markers/fiducials |
CKeyPoint | Key point structure |
CFiducialDetector | Main Fiducial Detector class |
CFiducialDetectorPlugin | Generic Interface class for FiducialDetector plugins |
CFiducialDetectorPluginAmoeba | FiducialDetectorPlugin for reacTIVision's 'amoeba' markers |
CFiducialDetectorPluginART | FiducialDetectorPlugin for ARToolkit like markers using binary image patches as marker IDs |
CFiducialDetectorPluginBCH | FiducialDetectorPlugin for ARToolkit+ like markers using BCH coded IDs |
CFiducialDetectorPluginForQuads | FiducialDetectorPlugin for quad-markers like ARToolkit and BCH-Code markers |
CFiducialDetectorPluginHierarchical | Extra abstraction layer that defines a basic skeleton for the detection of hierarchical fiducials |
CFiducialDetectorPluginICL1 | FiducialDetectorPlugin for ARToolkit+ like markers using BCH coded IDs |
►CFiducialImpl | Hidden implemetation for fiduical classes |
CInfo2D | Set of 2D features |
CInfo3D | Set of 3D features |
CMarkerCodeICL1 | Utility class for markers of type "icl1" |
CMarkerGridBasedUndistortionOptimizer | |
►CMarkerGridDetector | Utility class that allows a regular grid of fiducial markers to be tracked |
CGridDefinition | Marker Grid geometry definition type |
►CMarkerGridEvaluater | |
►CLine | |
CPCAInfo | |
CMarkerGridPoseEstimator | Utility class that can estimate the pose of a defined marker grid |
►CMarkerMetricsICL1 | Marker metrics for "icl1" markers |
CCR | Child region struct |
CMultiCamFiducial | Fiducial Type for the MuliCamFiducialDetector |
CMultiCamFiducialDetector | Fiducial detector class that allows for using multiple cameras at once for fiducial detection |
CMultiCamFiducialImpl | Internal Implementation class for the MutiCamFiducial |
CQuadDetector | Tool-class for detecting tilted quads in images |
CRegionStructure | Region structure interface class |
CTiltedQuad | Utility class that represents a tilted quad in an image |
CTwoLevelRegionStructure | Defines a common two level RegionStructure |
►Nmath | |
CDynColVector | Extension class for the DynMatrix<T> template, that restricts the the matrix column count to 'one' |
►CDynMatrix | Highly flexible and optimized matrix class implementation |
Ccol_iterator | Internal column iterator struct (using height-stride) |
CDynMatrixColumn | Internally used Utility structure referencing a matrix column shallowly |
CDynRowVector | |
CFFTException | Special exception implementation for the FFT package |
CFixedColVector | |
►CFixedMatrix | Powerful and highly flexible matrix class implementation |
Ccol_iterator | Internal struct for row-wise iteration with stride=COLS |
CFixedMatrixBase | FixedMatrix base struct defining datamode enum |
CFixedMatrixPart | Utility struct for FixedMatrix sub-parts |
CFixedRowVector | |
CGenericHomography2D | Utility structure that represents a 2D homography (implemented for float and double) |
►CGraphCutter | Class for graph cut algorithms on undirected graphs (a graph is represented by an adjacency matrix) |
CCutNode | |
CIncompatibleMatrixDimensionException | Special linear algebra exception type \ |
CInvalidIndexException | Special linear algebra exception type \ |
CInvalidMatrixDimensionException | Special linear algebra exception type \ |
►CKDTree | Simple KD-Tree implementation |
CNode | Keeps data of node |
►CKMeans | Generic Implementation of the K-Means algorithm |
CResult | Restult type |
CLeastSquareModelFitting | Direct Least Square Fitting Algorithm |
CLeastSquareModelFitting2D | Direct Least Square Fitting specialization for 2D input data |
►CLevenbergMarquardtFitter | Utility class implementing the multidimensional Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm for non-linear Optimization |
CData | Utility structure that is used in the static create_data utlity method |
CResult | Utility structure, that represents a fitting result |
CLinearTransform1D | A standard linear mapping class for the 1D case f(x) = m * x + b |
►CLLM | Local Linear Map implementation (LLM) |
CKernel | Internally used Kernel structure |
CMatrixSubRectIterator | Iterator class used to iterate through a sub rect of 2D data |
►COctree | Generic Octree Implementation |
CAABB | Internally used axis-aligned bounding box |
CAllocator | Inernally used block allocator |
CNode | Internally used node structure |
►CPolynomialRegression | Generic Implementation of the Polynomial Regression algorithm |
CResult | Result type |
CProjective4PointTransform | Utility class that provides functions to perspectively map 4 points of a source frame into 4 points of a destination frame |
►CQuadTree | Generic QuadTree Implementation |
CAABB | Internally used axis-aligned bounding box |
CAllocator | Inernally used block allocator |
CNode | Internally used node structure |
►CRansacFitter | Generic RANSAC (RAndom SAmpling Consensus) Implementation |
CResult | Result structure |
CSimplexOptimizationResult | Utility structure, that is used as accumulator for results of the SimplexOptimizer class |
CSimplexOptimizer | Template based implementation for the Downhill Simplex Optimiztation method |
CSingularMatrixException | Special linear algebra exception type \ |
►CSOM | Generic implementation of D to K dim Self Organizing Map (SOM) |
CNeuron | SOM internal Neuron struct |
CSOM2D | Simple Wrapper class of the generic SOM Implementation for 2D SOMs |
CStochasticOptimizer | The StochasticOptimizer is a tiny frame-work for simple stochastic optimization processes |
CStochasticOptimizerResult | Utility structure for the stochastic optimizer class |
CStraightLine2D | A straight line is parameterized in offset/direction form |
►Nphysics | |
CBallSocketConstraint | This constraint simulates a ballsocket joint |
CBendingConstraint | |
CConstraint | Base Class for constraints |
CFoldMap | Discretized paper space representing folds |
CHingeConstraint | This constraint simulates a Hinge joint |
►CManipulatablePaper | Extension of the standard physical paper class |
CDraggedPositionIndicator | |
CLineAnnotation | Utility class for extra annotations, rendered in paper coordinates |
CShadow | |
CVertexAttractor | |
CMotionState | This class is a MotionState for updating SceneObjects to match the PhysicsObject state |
CObject2PointConstraint | This constraint binds an object to a point with a spring |
CPhysicsMouseHandler | This mousehandler can pick up object and move them around |
CPhysicsObject | This class combines an physical object and it's graphical representation in ICL |
CPhysicsPaper | This class represents cloth or paper like soft-body objects |
►CPhysicsPaper3 | |
CLinkState | |
CNodeMovement | |
►CStructure | |
CFace | |
CPhysicsPaper3ContextMenu | |
CPhysicsPaper3MouseHandler | |
CPhysicsScene | |
CPhysicsWorld | A physical world that handles physical objects |
CRigidBoxObject | A Box that can with RigidObject features |
CRigidCompoundObject | A Box that can with RigidObject features |
CRigidConvexHullObject | ConvexHullObject witht he features of a RigidObject that can be created from a pointcloud |
CRigidCylinderObject | Cylinder with the features of a RigidObject |
CRigidObject | This class combines a movable but rigid physics object and it's graphical representation in ICL |
CRigidSphereObject | Sphere with the features of a RigidObject |
CSceneMultiCamCapturer | |
CSixDOFConstraint | This is a generic constraint that allows to free configuration of the limits on all 6 degrees of freedom |
CSliderConstraint | This constraint simulates a Slider joint |
CSoftObject | This class combines a soft-body physics object and it's graphical representation in ICL |
►CTriangleIntersectionEstimator | |
CIntersection | |
CTriangle | |
►Nqt | |
►CAbstractPlotWidget | The PlotWidget is an abstract base class for 2D plotting components |
CLocker | Utility class for scoped locking |
CPen | Utility structure for styles usend in subclasses |
CAdjustGridMouseHandler | Special MouseHandler Implementation that allows several quadrangular grids to be defined |
CBorder | Internally used component |
CBorderBox | A simple utility class (QWidget with titled border) |
CBorderHandle | Handle class for "border" gui components (only for explicit "border" components) |
CBoxHandle | A Handle for container GUI components (hbox, vbox, hscroll and vscroll) |
CButton | Button Component |
CButtonGroup | ButtonGroup component (aka vertical list of radio buttons) |
CButtonGroupHandle | Class for handling button goups |
CButtonHandle | Special Utiltiy class for handling Button clicks in the ICL GUI API |
CCamCfg | Camera configuration component |
CCamCfgWidget | Special QWidget implementation for configuring grabber properties |
CCheckBox | CheckBox component |
CCheckBoxHandle | Special Utiltiy class for handling Button clicks in the ICL GUI API |
CChromaClassifierIO | |
CChromaGUI | Dedicated GUI component which can be used to adjust segmentation parameters |
CColorHandle | Class wrapping ColorLabel GUI compoenent handling |
CColorLabel | Utility class to avoid Qt warning when accesing QLabels from differnt Threads |
CColorSelect | Color selection component |
CCombo | ComboBox GUI component |
CComboHandle | Handle class for combo components |
CCompabilityLabel | Utility class to avoid Qt warning when accesing QLabels from differnt Threads |
CContainerGUIComponent | Special GUI extension, that mimics the GUIComponent interface |
CContainerHandle | Base class for Container like GUI handles as Box- or Tab widgets |
CCreate | Finalizes GUI creation (actually creates the Qt-GUI but initially hidden) |
►CDataStore | Extension of the associative container MultiTypeMap |
CAssign | Internally used assignment structure |
►CData | Arbitrary Data encapsulation type |
CEvent | Internally used Data- Structure |
CKeyNotFoundException | Internal Exception type thrown if operator[] is given an unknown index string |
CUnassignableTypesException | Internal Exception type thrown if Data::operator= is called for incompatible values |
CDefineQuadrangleMouseHandler | Special MouseHandler Implementation that allows for defining a quadrangle |
►CDefineRectanglesMouseHandler | Utility mouse handler implementation that allows to define rectangles via drag and drop |
CDefinedRect | Internally used utils::Rect structure |
COptions | Cummulative Options structure |
CDisp | Display component for a 2D Array of labels |
CDispHandle | Handle class for disp components |
CDoubleSlider | A utiltiy class which implements a labeld, double valued QSlider |
►CDragger | Utility class that implements draggable rects on the ChromaWidget surface |
CColor | Utility class which helps to convert rgb to RG-Chroma and back |
CDragRectangleMouseHandler | Special MouseHandler implementation that allows for dragging a Rectangle |
CDraw | Image visualization component that allows for overlayed 2D image annotation |
CDraw3D | Image visualization compoent that allows for 2D and 3D image annotation |
CDrawHandle | Handle class for image components |
CDrawHandle3D | Handle class for image components |
CDummy | Creates not component |
►CDynamicGUI | Special GUI implementation that allows for defining the GUI layout in an XML-file |
CNode | Internal xml-parsing node class |
CFloat | Text Input component, that allows float inputs in a given range |
CFloatHandle | Class for handling "float" textfield components |
CFps | Frames per second estimator component |
CFPSHandle | Class for Frames-per-second GUI-Label |
CFSlider | Float-valued Slider component |
CFSliderHandle | Handle class for slider componets |
CGLFragmentShader | Simple wrapper class for OpenGL 2.0 Fragment Shader Programs |
CGLImg | OpenGL Texture Map Image class |
CGLPaintEngine | Paint engine to be used in QGLWigets for a high performance image visualization |
CGUI | Main Class of ICL's GUI creation framework |
►CGUIComponent | Servers as a generic interface for GUI definitions |
COptions | Actual options (set using the .xxx methods) |
CGUIComponentWithOutput | |
CGUIDefinition | Utilty class to simplify creation of GUI components |
CGUIHandle | Abstract base class for Handle classes |
CGUIHandleBase | Base class for GUIHandles providing functions to register callbacks |
CGUISyntaxErrorException | Internally used and caught exception class for the GUI API |
CGUIWidget | Abstract class for GUI components |
CHBox | Horizonal Box container component |
CHistogrammWidget | Utility class used within the ICLWidget class |
CHScroll | Horizontal scroll area |
CHSplit | Horizontal split-component |
►CICLApplication | QApplication extension for ICL based applications |
CAsynchronousEvent | Interface for events that must be executed in the GUI Thread |
CSecondSingeltonException | Such an exception is returned if a 2nd instance of ICLApplication is created |
CICLDrawWidget | Extended Image visualization widget, with a drawing state machine interface |
►CICLDrawWidget3D | Extended ICLDrawWidget, able to draw 2D and 3D primitives using OpenGL |
CGLCallback | Internally used callback class type |
CICLVideoSurface | |
CICLWidget | Class for openGL-based image visualization components |
CIconFactory | Simple utility class providing static functions to create some icons |
CImage | Image visualization component |
CImageHandle | Handle class for image components |
CImageStatistics | |
CImgParamWidget | Internally used widget to define image params |
CImgROI | Internal stuct, used for deep image copies |
CInt | Text Input component, that allows integer inputs in a given range |
CIntHandle | Class for handling "int" textfield components |
CLabel | Label component for displaying text |
CLabelHandle | Class for GUI-Label handling |
CLowLevelPlotWidget | Default AbstractPlotWidget implementation for plotting different kinds of data |
CMouseEvent | Provided by interface MouseGrabber |
CMouseHandler | MouseEvent Handler |
►CMultiDrawHandle | Handle class for image components |
CAssigner | |
CPaintEngine | Pure virtual Paint engine interface |
CPlot | 2D function and data plotting component |
CPlotHandle | Handle class for image components |
►CPlotWidget | Easy to use widget component for 2D data visualization |
CSeriesBuffer | Utility structure for easier series plots |
CProp | Propery adjustment component for configuable instances |
CProxyLayout | Just a helper class for GUI Layouting |
CPs | Process status component |
CQImageConverter | Class for conversion between QImage and core::ImgBase/Img<T> |
CQtCameraGrabber | |
CQtVideoGrabber | |
CRSBRemoteGUI | Creates an RSB-interface to externally get and set parameters of the wrapped GUI |
CShow | Finalizes GUI creation (actually creates the Qt-GUI and makes it visible) |
CSlider | Slider component for int-ranges |
CSliderHandle | Handle class for slider componets |
CSliderUpdateEvent | Utility class for threaded updatable sliders |
CSpinner | SpinBox component |
CSpinnerHandle | Handle class for spinner components |
CSplitterHandle | A Handle for SplitterWidget container GUI components |
CState | For a state log panel |
CStateHandle | Class for GUI-Label handling a so called state component |
CString | Text Input component, that allows float inputs with a given maximun length |
CStringHandle | Class for handling "string" textfield components |
CStringSignalButton | Internally used button that emits a signal with its text |
CTab | Tab-compnent |
CTabHandle | A Handle for TabWidget container GUI components |
►CThreadedUpdatableSlider | Compability class |
CCB | Internally callback type |
►CThreadedUpdatableTextView | |
CAddTextEvent | |
CClearTextEvent | |
CThreadedUpdatableWidget | Compability class |
CToggleButton | |
CVBox | Vertical Box container component |
CVScroll | Vertical scroll area |
CVSplit | Vertical split-component |
►Nutils | |
CAny | Simple generic data type implementation that uses a string based data representation |
CArray2D | Simple 2D-Array class that provides shallow copy per default |
CArrayDelOp | Array delete operation class for the SmartPtr class |
CCLBuffer | Wrapper for an OpenCL Buffer |
CCLBufferException | Class for an OpenCL Exception associated with buffers |
CCLBuildException | Class for an OpenCL Exception during kernel compiling |
CCLDeviceContext | Allows preparation of the device used for CLPrograms |
CCLException | Base class for an OpenCL Exception |
CCLImage2D | Wrapper for an OpenCL Image2D |
CCLInitException | Class for an OpenCL Exception during initialization |
►CCLKernel | Wrapper for an OpenCL Kernel |
CArg | Utility structure for the CLKernel's index operator |
CLocalMemory | Struct that represents the dynamic local memory for a kernel |
CCLKernelException | Class for an OpenCL Exception associated with kernels |
CCLMemory | Base class for CLBuffer and CLImage2D |
CCLMemoryAssistant | Helper class to maintain buffers and images for opencl-program pipelines |
CCLProgram | Main class for OpenCL based accelleration |
►CConfigFile | Utility class for creating and reading XML-based hierarchical configuration files |
CData | Data- type used for the []-operator of ConfigFile instances |
CEntry | Internal utility structure for contained data |
CEntryNotFoundException | Internal exception type, thrown if an entry was not found |
CInvalidTypeException | Internal exception type, thrown if an entry type missmatch occurs |
CKeyRestriction | Utility Type for restriction of type values |
CMaps | Internally used type map class |
CUnregisteredTypeException | Thrown if unregistered types are used |
►CConfigurable | Interface for classes that can be configured from configuration-files and GUI-Components |
CProperty | Represents a single property |
CConfigurableProxy | This class provides the getter and setter methods of an internally set Configurable |
CConstFunctorFunctionImpl | FunctionImpl implementation for functors of const objects |
CConstMemberFunctionImpl | FunctionImpl implementation for const member functions |
CDelOpBase | Pure Interface class for DelOps |
CFastMedianList | Utility class for fast calculation of a median (calculating a median in O(N)) |
CFile | Utility class for file handling (reading files is buffered) |
CFileNotFoundException | Exception thrown if a file could not be found |
CFileOpenException | Exception thrown if a file could not be opend |
CFixedArray | Fixed C++-array wrapper class for data handling |
CFixedArray< T, 1u > | Specialization for 1D-vectors providing a value x |
CFixedArray< T, 2u > | Specialization for 2D-matrics providing direct access to values x, y |
CFixedArray< T, 3u > | Specialization for 3D-matrics providing direct access to values x, y, z |
CFixedArray< T, 4u > | Specialization for 4D-matrics providing direct access to values x, y, z and h |
CFPSEstimator | Utility clas for online FPS estimation |
CFPSLimiter | An fps limiter can be used to limit online applications FPS |
CFreeDelOp | C-Style delete operation class for the SmartPtr class |
CFunction | The General Function Template |
CFunctionImpl | General Implementation for binary functions |
CFunctionImpl< R, A, B, NO_ARG > | Special Implementation for unary functions |
CFunctionImpl< R, A, NO_ARG > | Special Implementation for unary functions |
CFunctionImpl< R, NO_ARG > | Special Implementation for void functions |
CFunctorFunctionImpl | FunctionImpl implementation for Functors |
CGlobalFunctionImpl | FunctionImpl implementation for global functions |
CGRand | Lightweight Random generator class for gaussian distributed numbers |
CGRandClip | Lightweight Random generator class for gaussian distributed numbers clipped to a given range |
CICLDynamicFunctionLoadException | |
CICLDynamicLibLoadException | |
CICLException | Base class for Exception handling in the ICL |
CInvalidDepthException | Exception thrown if a function should process an unsupported image depth |
CInvalidFileException | Exception thrown if a file could not be read properly |
CInvalidFileFormatException | Exception for invalid file formats |
CInvalidFormatException | Exception thrown if a function should process an unsupported image format |
CInvalidImgParamException | Exception called if an image gets invalid params |
CInvalidNumChannelException | Exception thrown if a function should process an unsupported image depth |
CInvalidRegularExpressionException | Thrown by iclStringUtils::match if regular Expression is not valid |
CInvalidSizeException | Exception thrown if a function should process an unsupported sizes (e.g. with negative dim..) |
CIppInterface | |
CLockable | Interface for objects, that can be locked using an internal mutex |
►CMatchResult | Utility structure for matching results |
CMatch | |
CMemberFunctionImpl | FunctionImpl implementation for member functions |
►CMultiThreader | Utility class for parallelizing algorithms |
CWork | Plugin class for work packages performed parallel |
►CMultiTypeMap | Abstract and associative Data Container for Data of different types |
CDataArray | Internally used data handling structure |
CEntry | Entry struct used in getEntryList function |
►CMutex | Mutex class of the ICL |
CLocker | Locks a mutex on the stack (mutex is unlocked when the stack's section is released |
CParamList | Utility structure that utilizes an std::map as parameter list |
CParseException | Exception thrown if a string is parsed into a specific type (or something) |
►CPluginRegister | Utility class for plugin registration |
CPlugin | Internally used instance type: |
CPoint | Point class of the ICL used e.g. for the Images ROI offset |
CPoint32f | Single precission 3D Vectors Point class of the ICL |
CPointerDelOp | Pointer delete operation class for the SmartPtr class |
►CProcessMonitor | Grants access to processes memory and CPU usage |
CInfo | Utility struct, that is used to pass available information at once |
CProgArg | Programm argument utility class |
CProgArgException | Programm argument environment exception type \ |
CRandomSeeder | Object based random seed caller |
CRange | Class representing a range defined by min and max value |
CRect | Rectangle class of the ICL used e.g. for the Images ROI-rect |
CRect32f | Floating point precision implementation of the Rect class |
CSelectFunctor | Empty utility template that can be used to select a special functor |
CSemaphore | Simple Semaphore implementation wrapping the standard linux "sem_t"-struct |
CShallowCopyable | Interface class for cheap copyable classes using a smart ptr |
CSignalHandler | C++ Signal-Handler interface class |
CSize | Size class of the ICL |
CSize32f | Size32f class of the ICL (float valued) |
CSmartArray | Specialization of the SmartPtrBase class for Arrays |
CSmartPtr | Specialization of the SmartPtrBase class for Pointers |
CSmartPtrBase | Base class for reference counting smart-pointers |
►CStackTimer | Tool for benchmarking method calls |
CStackTimerNotifier | StackTimerNotifier constructor, USE BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION-MACRO instead |
CSteppingRange | Class representing a range with defined stepping |
CStrTok | String Tokenizer Utility class |
►CTextTable | Utility class for pretty console output |
CRowAssigner | Utility class that is used, to assign a table row at once |
CThread | Simple object oriented thread class wrapping the pthread library |
CTime | ICL Time class (taken from the Ice lib) |
CTimer | |
CUncopiedInstance | Utility class for class instances that are created brand new on copy |
CUncopyable | Class interface for un-copyable classes |
CURand | Lightweight Random generator class for uniform random distributions |
CURandI | Lightweight Random generator class for uniform random distributions in positive integer domain |
►CVisualizationDescription | Abstract class for visualization tasks |
CColor | Utility Color class |
CPart | Single part of the the visualization pipeline |
CText | Utility class for Text |
CFoldMap | Discretized paper space representing folds |
CInverseUndistortionProcessor | Utility class that performs gradient-descent based inverse undistortion mapping |